Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Monthly Online Surveys Strategy to Start My Own Blogging Website

Good afternoon Australia and the rest of the world! Here's another post to talk about making real money online. Today I want to talk about our monthly online surveys strategy. The funds I earn will help me to start my own blogging website. Your goals may be different to mine, but in the end we'll get some money to our bank at the end of the month. We're determined to make this work. Spend less time watching anime, playing games, and searching online. More time answering surveys and earning the money we need each month. Not sure if we can make a career out of this, but it works for the time being. The following may contain referral links. A bonus for you and me if the referral links actually work.

Grab Points $100 USD or $145 AUD per month ($25 USD per week or more)
My Opinions $160 AUD per month ($40 AUD per week or more)
Swagbucks $25 USD or $36 AUD per month ($6 USD per week or more)
Pureprofile $30 AUD per month ($7 AUD per week or more)

We're able to earn $370 AUD per month if we are to go with this strategy. We also don't want to work more than 35 to 40 hours per week. I'm leaning towards two websites. I usually like sticking with the websites that I've gained momentum on. The problem with spreading our wings is that there's a chance of finding the same surveys again and again. This means a higher chance of getting disqualified. Survey websites may choose multiple panels to get our opinion. We get tired very quickly when we keep getting disqualified. The online survey industry is competing for our answers. Some websites offer better rewards than others. It all comes down to preferences. We may get distracted often from other offers too. Stick to the surveys.

I've mentioned this before, but one of the easiest ways to make real money online is through surveys. I've tried several other online survey websites and we just don't have time for them all. Especially when they don't target Australians. You can either choose the websites I refer to or find other websites for your specific country. My Opinions and Pureprofile is known to target Australians. However, sometimes it takes so long to accumulate points that we give up and stop using their websites. This is when favourites happen. We generally stick to the websites we like and run away from websites that simply don't feel rewarding enough. Our time is precious and our patience is limited. I can almost predict the websites we will stick with.

If I had the option to choose just one online surveys website to earn from, I'd choose Grab Points. They don't have the best referral program, but we came for the surveys. The second on our favourites list would have to be My Opinions. Swagbucks and Pureprofile are okay, but I just can't see myself using them in the long run to earn money. I find Grab Points and My Opinions to be much more consistent when it comes to earning points for PayPal reward money. Pureprofile is reliable, but earning $75 every 60 days is not very enticing. We don't want to limit our earning potential. Why can't we just earn all our money from one website? I like websites that allows us the opportunity to earn as much as we're willing to work.

There's three other websites I won't even bother mentioning in this post. You could say that we've abandoned them. You could always read about them again in our previous posts. We want to focus on the websites that will allow us to earn more efficiently. We don't want to spend time on websites that wastes our time. I reckon in a month's time we'll only be spending most of our time on Grab Points. The winner or favourite website will most likely be mentioned when I start my own blogging website. I wouldn't mind if they had a better referral program, but our goals are being reached anyway. We don't want to be too greedy. We also don't want to overwork ourselves. Keeping a good balance in life.

How's everyone doing on this public holiday in Australia? While some Australians may be celebrating Melbourne Cup Day, we're here writing a blog post about our monthly online surveys strategy. The opportunity to earn money online is very real. Online surveys may not be the most lucrative method to make money, but it's a start. Better than nothing I would say. You could be $3 USD richer in 1 to 2 days. Do it five days a week and that's $15 USD. It all starts to add up if we stay consistent. $60 USD in a month and that could pay for our monthly internet bill. This is by spending an hour or two simply answering surveys online. The potential to earn more depends on the time we invest. The problem is we can't scale this method.

We're not trying to start a business. We're simply working. Answering surveys online is not very rewarding in the long run. This is a short term fix only. Even the referral programs are not very rewarding. We're doing the hard work at the start to make our lives easier in the long run. This is why I want to start my own blogging website. We're going to promote better programs or products online that will help us earn more money. Actually, we could probably start doing it now without doing surveys. Everyone needs somewhere to start though. Buying a website is not free. We need a little money first to start our own domain. Choosing the website host provider is a whole new topic we don't have time to go into detail today.

In other news, we've been trying other ways to make money online other than surveys. I don't want to mention them here because of the risks involved. Online surveys carry very little risk. We are either successful or disqualified. We don't lose any money, but our time. Online surveys is a free method to earning money. However, we still need the basics such as an email address, bank account, and other documents that may be required for identification purposes. Once we zero some of the other survey websites, we're most likely just going to stick with one or two. Remember that we have to earn a certain amount of points before we can withdraw or claim a reward. I can't wait to delete some websites from my bookmarks list.

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